Monday, December 26, 2011

Reading more...

I want to read more. I also want to play fewer Facebook games. That's been much easier since I've given up on Pioneer Trail when they started getting a little overzealous with the missions. I think I had over 30 at one point and I just gave up. Reading has also been much easier since my hubby gave me my snazzy new Kindle Fire for my birthday in November. I LOVE being able to check out books from the library on it. It enables my reading AND fits my cheap nature.  I've read more books in a month and a half then I had the whole year before.  I can fit a huge selection right into my purse and read during any little break or waiting period.  LOVE IT!

I have a friend who is a book review blogger... check her out at Chaos Is a Friend of Mine.  Sometime in the next week, Rachel will share all the challenges she is going to participate in for 2012.  Last year, I think she signed up for about 6 challenges, totalling... I don't know... a LOT of books.  To encourage myself to read more in 2012, I thought I'd sign up for a challenge or two as well, only I'm going to be a bit more conservative.

I am a big fan of the public library so for sure I plan to sign up for their 6 in 12 Adult Reading Challenge.  I'm pretty sure I can manage at least 6 books in 12 months.  AND each book read (no limit) counts as an entry to win one of 5 eReaders and other assorted prizes.

That seems TOO easy though and not much of a challenge.  I mean really... even when I wasn't reading much I could manage 6 books in 12 months.  So I thought I'd take a page out of Rachel's challenge book and pick one of the challenges on her list (from last year since she hasn't published her 2012 list of challenges yet).  Because it sounds like fun, I am picking the What's in a Name 5 Reading Challenge.  The categories for 2012 are:
  1. A book with a topographical feature (land formation) in the title: Black Hills, Purgatory Ridge, Emily of Deep Valley
  2. A book with something you'd see in the sky in the title: Moon Called, Seeing Stars, Cloud Atlas
  3. A book with a creepy crawly in the title: Little Bee, Spider Bones, The Witches of Worm
  4. A book with a type of house in the title: The Glass Castle, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Ape House
  5. A book with something you'd carry in your pocket, purse, or backpack in the title: Sarah's Key, The Scarlet Letter, Devlin Diary
  6. A book with a something you'd find on a calendar in the title: Day of the Jackal, Elegy for April, Freaky Friday, Year of Magical Thinking

It will encourage me to try some new things while also giving me a fun scavenger hunt to find books that fit each category.  While both challenges allow overlap (letting the same book count on more than one challenge), my goal is 12 books for the year.  That should be imminently doable.  Then maybe next year I'll double it.

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